Beauty and the Poppy


CC-5837 I am so in LOVE with this photo session.  We ventured up to Mantua and the beautiful poppy fields and can I say, it was everything I had hoped it would be.  I had never met this darling girl before and in answer to a challenge I was on the lookout.  Shopping at Smith's Marketplace one day, I was scoping out everyone I passed and didn't find anyone to approach.  While at the checkout stand, at the next stand over, there she was, bagging groceries. Man, I thought, I have to photograph this girl.  I approached her, told her I am a photographer and that she is beautiful.  I asked she would model for me and the rest, as you can see, is history. A huge thank you Hannah!

composite 3 CC-5776

composite 1 CC-5685

CC-5892 composite 2 CC-5868 composite 4